Research, Innovate and Emerge (RIEm) is a groundbreaking business support project developed by Brunel University London (Brunel). The aim is to help SMEs strengthen their capacity to innovate, driving competitiveness and growth. Beta is working with Brunel to deliver a package of support to each SME taking part in the programme, which includes:
- Research and innovation needs assessment
- Creating a research and innovation strategy
- Developing collaborative research projects and innovation funding proposals
The support provided includes both group workshops and tailored individual mentoring. To date, the programme has supported 48 UK SMEs and helped them to secure around £1 million of funding.
Industry and academic partnerships
Beta has been at the forefront of innovation for 40 years, facilitating successful projects and partnerships between industry and academia in areas such as engineering, transport, agriculture, and health. Our understanding of industry needs and the benefits of collaborating with academic partners and finding common ground has built many successful projects. It’s precisely this experience and insight that Beta’s Richard Wrigley brings to RIEm, providing real examples and case studies to the innovation workshops being run by Brunel. SMEs participating in the workshops learn about how research and innovation can help them achieve their growth goals, develop and execute a research and innovation strategy, and access various funding opportunities.
Richard Wrigley, Managing Director of Beta, said, “We have been working with Brunel University now for a number of years to facilitate industry engagement and develop innovation projects. We are excited to be working with Dr Michael Joseph at Brunel and the cohort of SMEs, which makes RIEm a real success.”

Find out more about the RIEm initiative here.