CRM Alliance

Working to advocate the importance of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs), connecting industry with policymakers to promote a strong European CRM policy.

What is the CRM Alliance?

It is vital that industry knowledge and the importance of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) are communicated with the European Parliament to support policy development and implementation.


The Critical Raw Materials Alliance (CRM Alliance) is a representative body of producers, traders and associations of CRMs, created by industry members with the aim to advocate the important role of CRMs in the European economy. Representing almost all of the 30 materials defined by the European Union (EU) as ‘critical’, the Alliance connects industry with policymakers to promote a strong European CRM policy.

CRMs are resources that have an economic and strategic importance to the European economy and often have a high risk associated with their supply. They are vital for European industries, the environment and essential in driving future innovations.


The use of CRMs in clean technologies, digital, space and defence applications is one of the pre-requisites to ensure the green transition outlined in the European Green Deal.

Beta’s Involvement

Beta Director, Richard Wrigley, is the former Vice-President of the CRM Alliance. Being involved provides a number of benefits such as regular information on EU activity regarding CRMs, a better understanding of European policy, contacts in the European Parliament and wider stakeholders, and the exchange of best practice with other CRM industries.


Beta provides consultancy support to CBMM, the world’s premier supplier of niobium and niobium technology. Niobium is one of the materials listed by the EU as a CRM. Beta’s responsibility is to help raise the profile of niobium and develop the understanding of CRMs to ensure that this label is recognised as a positive attribute.


You can find more information about critical raw materials and the work of the CRM Alliance on their website