Our journey began in 1984 when we were originally established as a metallurgy consultancy in Sheffield. Over the past 40 years, we have built an international network and wide range of expertise which we use to help our clients deliver projects or grow their business.


Over the years we have worked across many sectors including agriculture, food, health, space, metals, transport and energy. One of our key strengths is identifying opportunities and transferring knowledge and best practice between the sectors we work in.

Our vision

To use our networks and know-how to full potential. Building collaborations that will develop game-changing technologies for a better world.

Meet our experts


Today, we operate from our office in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, with a core team of experts and support staff. We also have a pool of associates we can call upon to provide specialist technical expertise. This includes metallurgy, nanotechnology, energy and health. Most of our experts are based in the UK, but bring international experience and a track record of working with a diverse range of organisations, including multinationals and the public sector. Our operating model makes us agile and responsive to the needs of our clients.

Tom Hudson

Chief Executive Officer at Beta Technology

Beta Technology
Leeds University

Jayne Evans

Operations Director at Beta Technology

Beta Technology
The University of Manchester

Richard Wrigley

Associate Director at Beta Technology

Beta Technology
The University of Salford

Jo Boulding

Project Manager - Innovation at Beta Technology

Beta Technology
Sheffield Hallam University

Ola El Saleh

Consultant at Beta Technology

Beta Technology
Imperial College London

Paul Fearn

Principal Consultant at Beta Technology

Beta Technology

Emma Harrison

Associate Consultant at Beta Technology

Beta Technology

Becky Markillie

Associate Consultant at Beta Technology

Beta Technology

Chloe Marriott

Finance and Admin Assistant at Beta Technology

Beta Technology

Natalia Sosa Rojas

Consultant at Beta Technology

Beta Technology
University of East Anglia

Kate Wall

Associate Consultant at Beta Technology

Beta Technology

Claire Webster

Consultant at Beta Technology

Beta Technology
University of East Anglia

International clients

Beta Technology may be a relatively small company, but our reach is international. We have worked with clients around the world including Brazil, Australia and across Europe. Over the years, we have also been engaged by many types of clients; large corporations, start-ups, universities and national and regional governments.


Current clients include CBMM, The Caribbean Industrial Research Institute, The Advanced Propulsion Centre, the British Geological Survey, Brunel University London, Lancaster University and the University of Oulu. 


Working collaboratively is very much part of our ethos at Beta. Europe is very important to us and we have been part of European funded collaborative projects for over twenty years, working with over 150 universities and companies across Europe, and beyond.


We are currently part of four large scale EU projects where we were integral in securing the funding and now support the dissemination and exploitation of the project results.

We are fully committed to quality delivery and hold the following accreditation: ISO 9001:2015. You can read our Quality Policy here.



Beta is a Corporate Affiliate Member of the Association for Project Management.