Taking your ideas to market

We provide a fresh perspective on your technology, helping to grow its value and accelerate commercialisation.

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What we do to support our clients

Horizon Europe Funding

Webinar on Demystifying Horizon Europe Research Projects


Partnership Announcement

Building on 40 years of innovation, we're delighted to announce our next chapter


About Niobium

Learn more about niobium, including its properties, applications, and impacts.

Circular Niobium

How we add value to complex global innovation projects

We connect people, knowledge and funding to promote innovation.


Our team is passionate about science and technology. We are building collaborations and supporting projects that will deliver the game-changing technologies we need for a greener and healthier future.

Our vision is to use our networks and know-how to full potential. Building collaborations that will develop game-changing technologies for a better world.


Insights into Beta Technology and our projects

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Knowledge Hub

Connecting and empowering the people, technology, and resources behind the circular niobium revolution.

Research, Innovate and Emerge

Beta is supporting a programme from Brunel University London to raise the innovation potential of SMEs.

Doncaster hydrogen refuelling hub

A local roadmap towards a hydrogen-based transport economy. Feasibility report now published.


Preventing childhood obesity to stay healthy throughout life.

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